Thursday, June 27, 2013

The universe as you’ve never seen it before: Photographer creates incredible pictures of what it would look like if planets were closer

  • Former NASA art director Ron Miller created images of it would look like from Earth if planets replaced moon
  • Astonishing images show Jupiter and Saturn would fill night sky while Mercury is only slightly bigger than moon
By Rosie Taylor
An astronomical artist has created eye-opening illustrations imagining what the night sky would look like if the moon was replaced by the other planets in the solar system.
Ron Miller, a former art director for NASA, used digital trickery to superimpose scale drawings of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune over the same landscape, highlighting the sheer size of the planets.
The incredible drawings imagine each planet to be 233,812 miles from Earth - the same distance at which the moon orbits.
Enormous planet Jupiter, around 11 times the size of Earth, would dominate the skies while Mars would appear to be around twice the size of the moon.
Artist: Ron Miller used this view of the moon over Death Valley, California, as the basis for his images
Artist: Ron Miller used this view of the moon over Death Valley, California, as the basis for his images

Perspective: The former NASA art director imagined how Neptune would look from earth if it was the same distance away as the moon
Perspective: The former NASA art director imagined how Neptune would look from earth if it was the same distance away as the moon

Huge: The diameter of Jupiter is 40 times that of the moon and it would dominate the night sky if it were in the same position
Huge: The diameter of Jupiter is 40 times that of the moon and it would dominate the night sky if it were in the same position

Red planet: Mars would appear around twice the size of the moon from 233,812 miles away
Red planet: Mars would appear around twice the size of the moon from 233,812 miles away

Mr Miller, from West Virginia, USA, said: 'We are all familiar with the moon in our skies but many people struggle to appreciate the sheer size of the planets we share our solar system with.
'The planets are just a vague concept to a lot of people and even the moon is just a fuzzy ball in the sky.
'I had a bright idea one morning to create a series of illustrations in which the moon is replaced with other planets, something I don't think has been done before. I wanted the illustrations to be thought-provoking and catch people's imaginations.

'I wanted to show people the effects these planets would have on landscapes, and show them what amazing places the planets are.'
He explained that Jupiter is so large that from Earth we would not be able to see the north and south poles of the planet, as it would fill the sky as far as we can see. While Saturn's rings would stretch nearly from horizon to horizon.
'We would all feel a lot more humble with Jupiter's presence constantly looking over us,' he added.
'The reaction to the illustrations has been fantastic. I'm very pleased because they were created to inspire people. Plus, the only way I get to visit these planets is through my illustrations.'
Orb: Uranus would look a similar size to Neptune, according to Mr Miller, who has created the images to highlight the size of the planets
Orb: Uranus would look a similar size to Neptune, according to Mr Miller, who has created the images to highlight the size of the planets

Night sky: Smallest planet Mercury would look just slightly larger than the moon from the same distance
Night sky: Smallest planet Mercury would look just slightly larger than the moon from the same distance

Massive: Saturn and its rings would cover almost 18 degrees of the night sky, according to Mr Miller's calculations
Massive: Saturn and its rings would cover almost 18 degrees of the night sky, according to Mr Miller's calculations

Neighbour: Venus is only slighter smaller than earth so would appear around the same size as our planet does from the moon
Neighbour: Venus is only slighter smaller than earth so would appear around the same size as our planet does from the moon

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